My name is Resha and I make HAPPY EARTH ART. In fact, my lifestyle, ideals, and future visions for humanity are also embodied by this name. I love this journey and I love sharing it with others. Ask me anything and I’ll expound!
My current body of work explores food and each piece is based on glorious fruits and vegetables or healthy alternatives to comfort foods. Mother Earth provides us with miraculous abundance in plants and I’m having so much fun celebrating that through my paintings.
Fully aligning my life to my passion and inspiration has been the best feeling. I'll be sharing more about my journey into juicing and gardening, my interest in the raw vegan diet, and tons of art projects for adults and kiddos on my HAPPY EARTH ART blog which is in the works (sign up for my newsletter to receive the announcement!) I hope you find something that brings you joy and I thank you for supporting my work!